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The Life of Prophet Muhammad (SAW): The Last Messenger of Islam

An in-depth biography of Prophet Muhammad (SAW), his mission, ethics, and the detailed story of his prophethood and life.

Prophet Muhammad (SAW) is the final prophet of Islam and the last messenger sent by Allah to guide humanity. He was born in 570 CE in the Quraysh tribe of Mecca. His father, Abdullah, died before his birth, and his mother, Amina, passed away when he was only six years old. Consequently, he was raised by his grandfather Abdul Muttalib and later by his uncle Abu Talib.

Early Life

From a young age, Muhammad (SAW) was known for his honesty, kindness, and integrity. The people of Mecca, recognizing his trustworthy nature, gave him the title “Al-Amin” (the Trustworthy). As he grew up, he engaged in trade and worked with utmost integrity, earning respect and admiration from the community.

Proclamation of Prophethood

At the age of 40, Muhammad (SAW) received the first revelation from Allah through the Angel Gabriel, marking the beginning of his prophethood. He initially began spreading the message of Islam to his close family and friends, and then to the people of Mecca. His teachings focused on the oneness of God and the liberation of humanity from idolatry and injustice.

Migration to Medina

Facing increasing persecution in Mecca, Prophet Muhammad (SAW) migrated to Medina in 622 CE, an event known as the Hijrah. In Medina, he established a strong Islamic community and laid the foundations for the expansion of Islam. The Hijrah marked a new chapter in the history of Islam, leading to its rapid growth.

Spreading Islam and Battles

While in Medina, Prophet Muhammad (SAW) continued his mission of spreading Islam and participated in several battles to defend the Muslim community. His leadership was instrumental in the victories that led to the establishment of Islam as a powerful force. The conquest of Mecca in 630 CE was a significant milestone, marking the culmination of his efforts to establish Islam.

Final Days of Prophethood

After the conquest of Mecca, Prophet Muhammad (SAW) returned to Medina and lived as the final prophet of Islam. He passed away at the age of 63 in 632 CE. After his death, the message of Islam continued to spread, and today, Islam is the second-largest religion in the world.


The life of Prophet Muhammad (SAW) serves as an exemplary model for humanity. His prophethood, way of life, and dedication to humanity’s well-being make him a beacon of light for all. The principles of Islam and the teachings of Prophet Muhammad (SAW) continue to influence the lives of billions of people worldwide.

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